U.S.-based donors can support our activities in a tax-efficient way through a contribution to the American
Friends of Wallonia Heritage Fund at the King Baudouin Foundation United States (KBFUS). Because KBFUS
is a public charity, within the meaning of Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) of the IRC, donors may claim the maximum tax benefits allowed by U.S. tax law for their contributions.
If you wish to support us, here is how to proceed :
- Gifts by check : Write your check to KBFUS, write « Institut du Patrimoine wallon » in the memo section of the check, and send it to KBFUS, 10 Rockefeller Plaza, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10020.
- Gifts by credit card : Go to www.kbfus.org, click on the « Donate Now » button and select « Institut du Patrimoine wallon » through the alphabetical listings.
- Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property : Contact KBFUS at : email
info@kbfus.org, phone (212) 713 7660.
To make a gift : https://kbfus.org/
Example of a gift form to be completed by the donor, and returned to KBFUS together with their check :
( X )YES ! I want to support The Wallonia Heritage Agency through a contribution to the American Friends
of Wallonia Heritage Fund at the King Baudouin Foundation United States (KBFUS). Enclosed is my check
for :( )$50 ( ) $250 ( )$ 500 ( )$1,000 ( )Other $
I understand that the Board of Directors of KBFUS is not bound by my designating my contribution for deposit in the American Friends of Wallonia Heritage Fund and retains the ultimate control over the use of my contribution. I also understand that this is necessary in order for me to obtain the maximum tax
benefits allowed by U.S. tax law for my contribution.
- I wish my gift to remain anonymous. Do not advise the beneficiary of my contact information.
My name :____________ Phone :____________
Signature :____________ Email :____________